charming traditional song is great for building early literacy skills. I
sing it a capella (without instrumentation) while clapping a steady beat.
When I get to the end of the rhyme I pause and ask children to think of as
many words that rhyme with the animal as they can. Only then do I complete
the rhyme using the lyrics below. Of course you can add your own verses and
keep rhyming!
Ways to
Use this Song
Rhyming Boxes:
Children love the surprise as boxes are opened! See instructions in the
PDF with
all the pictures for how to make them.
You may simply print out the pictures in the included
and glue them
to colored paper. Put them in a notebook, and sing the song. Don稚 turn the
page revealing the finished rhyme (or turn the box), until children have had
a chance to offer their own rhymes.
books from the library:
There are several
illustrated versions of this song which extend the lyrics beyond my version. They are always a hit with childre.
Try them all!
A Hunting We Will Go
hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l catch a fox and put him in a box
And then we値l let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l catch a cat and put him in a hat
And then we値l let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l catch a snake and put him in a cake
And then we値l let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l catch a goat and put him in a boat
And then we値l let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l catch a mouse and put him in a house
And then we値l let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We値l just pretend, and in the end
We値l always let them go!